Our School Council
Our Year 6 pupils form the School Council. It is a great honour to be chosen for this important position. Each Year 6 pupil prepares a manifesto in September and presents their vision to the whole school. Every pupil from Reception class to Year 6 vote for the person they think can bring about change and support our school ethos. The children meet with Mrs Pescod to discuss various initiatives throughout the year e.g. end of term prize/treat for the class with the highest attendance.
Coffee Morning
The school council organised a Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising over £268.30 pounds in total. Cakes were kindly donated for the event by staff, parents and families.
Remembrance Day
The school council have also been busy selling poppies for Remembrance Day to children from all year groups.
Charity Work
The school council facilitated the Go Yellow Day in support of St Benedict’s Hospice where £217.12 was raised.