English Martyrs’ is a Catholic School, seeking to encourage each child’s deeper love and understanding of our faith; the family, the school and parish community are the main influences in the development of this. Religious Education, although part of the curriculum, is at the centre of our school life.
In teaching RE, the school uses the Diocesan approved scheme ‘Come and see.’ Children learn about the Catholic faith through a variety of topics and activities during the year.
Our Religious Education programme also provides opportunities for pupils to study other religions & cultures, fostering respect and an understanding for the beliefs of others.
Each day begins and ends with a classroom act of worship or a school assembly. Class liturgies take place throughout the year. These are an opportunity for prayer and reflection based on RE topics. Parents and carers are welcome to come into school to participate in these liturgies with their child. Mass is celebrated on a number of occasions throughout the term.
The school and the Parish Community of English Martyrs’ prepare children for the Sacraments of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and Reconciliation (Confession). From September 2016, these Sacraments will be received in
Year 4.
Parents are reminded that our school exists to give a Catholic Education to its pupils. It is therefore expected that parents be in sympathy with the philosophy, values, aims and objectives of the school. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all aspects of RE and collective worship.